Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Common Issues of Set top Box a customer Face and its checklist.

Agh... No Signal!! STB not authorized!! Box not powering up!! Waiting for CA Table..!!

So many issues customers face when they turn on the Set top Box. Most of them don't even power cycle it for days. Here are some of the common issues for the customers with their checklist before reaching out to Operators:

1. No Signal on The Screen:
 Before you blame the STB, please check the appropriate source is selected on the TV. Most of the TV shows no signal when wrong input source is selected.
Once its checked, please check if the RF cable is properly fitted to the STB and do a power cycle of the STB. If the issue still persist please contact your cable operator as the RF cable or the optical fiber might be the culprit.

2. STB not authorized: 

Have you paid the monthly subscription fees?? If yes then please call the operator and ask him to retrigger the Set top box. If not, then the box has been deactivated due to non payment issue.

3. STB not powering up:

Please check if you are using the proper adapter provided along with the STB. Also check the Supply source if it is working with any other electronic device. Once checked, please try to pull back the adapter and put it back again and check if it is powering up. If not, please reach out to the nearest service center.

4. Channel not in sequence/ Few Channels not showing up:

This can happen in rural areas where signal strength is usually weak and hence few channels of last frequencies get skipped. Doing a factory reset might resolve the issue. Once you get all the channels, ask the operator to increase the signal strength.

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